Still Point Insight: A categorically new approach to organizational training, for a world that needs it.

The world is changing quickly. 

We may be tired of hearing it, but we still aren’t adapting quickly enough, especially when it comes to the way we work together. The legacy model of business continues to burn people out, burn itself out, and burn the planet on which we live. 

We need a new approach to human organizations, one that nurtures humans, and life as a whole.  

That’s what Still Point Insight was designed and built to support:

By bringing traditionally siloed services–strategic advising, work process redesign, and employee wellbeing–together into one integrated service model, we help mission-driven organizations elevate health and strategic impact, together, from the inside-out.

Positive impact, financial profitability, relational health, and individual wellbeing are all outcomes of a well-designed and strategically aligned organization. Anything less than that is not serving a world that badly needs the work of mission-driven humans. 

It’s a high bar, but we are unwilling to pursue anything less because the world cannot afford anything less. 


Ian & Justin

If you agree and want to learn more:

In just a few months with SPI, we have become more cohesive, collaborative, and are meeting our wellness goals even faster than planned while continuing to work at the same level of volume.
— Kim, Founder & CEO
We’ve evolved from overworking and high stress to creating systems and processes that have allowed us to focus on our personal wellness and health – something most of us have neglected for years.
— Leah, Co-Founder & COO
I’m finding more personal satisfaction with my life in whole, my career and team. I would recommend this process to anyone looking to elevate their team and personal leadership to the next level.
— Peter, Senior HR Manager
If I look back on the past 9 months with SPI, I would have never imagined that I’d have come this far. There can be a work-life balance if we dedicate the time to dig into our life, our profession, and our priorities.
— Jenna, Frontline Team Member
Now that we’ve started this journey, I can’t imagine my life without the wellness work. I feel terrible for all the teams out there feeling like they’re running around with their head’s cut off.
— Louise, Frontline Team Member
I now find myself working fewer hours and accomplishing more, feeling less stress throughout the work week, and taking great pride in our team.
— Dana, Frontline Team Member
This process helped me break through. I now have time off to enjoy life, all while crushing my workload, and no stress involved. None of this could have been possible without SPI.
— Elijah, Frontline Team Member
My inbox has been cut literally in half.
— Caim, Frontline Team Member