Still Point Insight: A categorically new approach to organizational training, for a world that needs it.
The world is changing quickly.
We may be tired of hearing it, but we still aren’t adapting quickly enough, especially when it comes to the way we work together. The legacy model of business continues to burn people out, burn itself out, and burn the planet on which we live.
We need a new approach to human organizations, one that nurtures humans, and life as a whole.
That’s what Still Point Insight was designed and built to support:
By bringing traditionally siloed services–strategic advising, work process redesign, and employee wellbeing–together into one integrated service model, we help mission-driven organizations elevate health and strategic impact, together, from the inside-out.
Positive impact, financial profitability, relational health, and individual wellbeing are all outcomes of a well-designed and strategically aligned organization. Anything less than that is not serving a world that badly needs the work of mission-driven humans.
It’s a high bar, but we are unwilling to pursue anything less because the world cannot afford anything less.
Ian & Justin
If you agree and want to learn more: